H.A.B.I.T. - Update

Long time no update. Habit has undergone significant changes since the project was released to the Mecha game jam last year. The three day cram project I released has since turned into a much bigger project because for whatever reason I just couldn't stop myself from working on it after the jam had ended. The H.A.B.I.T. mech was completely re-worked, giving it much smoother animations and a actual texture set instead of the default grey material that is included with UE4. The speed ( a problem in the original jam version ) has not only increased but it now has a variable speed control. I have added a first person perspective that acts as a completely different controller giving the game more depth and possibility. The first person perspective or "Targeting mode" includes night vision and dynamic a reticle. I've added a bunch of UI elements that work dynamically with the mech - map with zooming, speed gauge, weapon reload, weapon heat, ammo, HP and orientation. I have added several enemies to the game as well as traps like tank mines. I have added a ton of systems that affect enemies such as heat and ammo limits. I have added in the ability to create your own pilot ( Just a character sheet ) and choose a paint scheme for your mech. There is tons more I have added to the game including bullet physics and I'm currently working on more enemy types, bullet penetration, enemy weak points, thermal vision and much more.

 I originally had a plan to release the game sometime this year but... life got in the way. I had a SSD failure that almost caused me to cancel the project altogether and I was just discouraged from working on anything for a long time. All of that set my plan back for almost an entire year. The last two months I have been in full swing developing the game and working on other projects. I am absolutely terrible at updating anything other than Discord and that probably won't change honestly. That is about all I think. For everyone wondering about the project if you're reading this it's not dead but I have no plan for release anytime soon. Thanks for checking out the game!

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