Update - Alpha 0.4

 Fixed bullet penetration bug that allowed bullets to get stuck between objects.

Fixed bug that allowed the player to rotate the mech after death.

Fixed bug that would allow player to walk through vr cubes when in targeting mode.

Fixed bug that would detect anything above the player and the ‘player’ in top down view.

This would cause the mechs head to swivel uncontrollably.

Fixed enemy bullet collision that would allow projectiles to pass through the lower half of the mech.

Added bullet penetration system.

Added new enemy RailGun turret.

Added ammo pickups.

Added the ability to destroy ammo pickups causing AOE damage.

Added AOE damage to mines and bombs.

Updated all projectiles to pass through an over lapping collision. This allowed me to implement the new bullet penetration system.

Updated all physics materials in game and added a few more to work with the penetration system.

WIP – Destructible objects.

WIP – Destructible environments.

WIP – Top down view opacity filter. (See through the roof)

WIP – Weak point damage system.

WIP – Thermal vision for targeting mode.

WIP – New enemy tank and drone.

WIP – New score and time limit system.

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